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Healthy for the Holidays

Industry by Rosemary Tambini on December 21, 2017

Healthy for the Holidays

During the winter, we are most likely inside keeping warm. What we often do not realize is how that time spent indoors affects our bodies. With temperatures down, instead of soaking up Vitamin D, we are inside soaking up germs and most definitely munching on not-so-healthy snacks! Dietician Dr. Carrie Ruxton of the Health and Food Supplements Information Service reports “After a summer of salads, fruit and fish, it’s tempting to turn to stodgy comfort food and snacks, which may not always provide us with the range of vitamins and minerals we require for good health” ( But as usual, Makers Nutrition has got you covered with some of the best supplements to help power through the blustery cold.

Immune-Boosting Vitamins

Vitamin A: In addition to bolstering immunity to infections, Vitamin A can promote good vision and healthy skin—which is especially helpful when central heating could cause dryness in the winter (

Vitamin B Complex: Vitamin B Complex holds 8 vitamins (biotin, pyridoxine, cobalamin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, and thiamine). Among the many benefits of B Complex, including immune system support, Vitamin B 3 is exclusively important because of its ability to reduce tiredness and fatigue. In addition, Vitamins B 1 and B 12 help regulate heart function and aid in normal psychological function, respectively (

Vitamin C: Vitamin C protects us from immune system deficiencies, particularly preventing cold and flu. It also aids in detoxification, bone and teeth health, wound healing, and skin nourishment (integrativenutrition).

Vitamin D: “Go play outside and soak up some Vitamin D!” we grew up hearing. During the winter, shorter days means less sun exposure and thus less Vitamin D absorption. Enter Vitamin D supplements. They are key to boosting the immune system, helping to prevent the common cold or flu. One study showed that children who took this supplement for four months during the winter reduced their risk of getting the flu by 40% ( While some of us have predispositions to inadequate Vitamin D, supplementation could help many people get ahead. Bonus: New research has found that Vitamin D could help protect against severe asthma attacks, which are likely in the winter because they can be sparked by the cold air (

Healthy for the Holidays

Keeping Things in Check

Let’s be real. It is very easy to get lazy when snow is falling. All we want to do is bundle up and catch up on Netflix. Among other nutritious dietary supplements, iron, zinc, glucosamine, and folic acid can help balance digestion and maintain our wellbeing.

Iron: Iron assists in keeping our energy up during the frosty season. This mineral has a talent for creating red blood cells, carrying oxygen throughout the body, and nourishing all of our organs for optimal function (, integrativenutrition). Insufficient iron levels can result in exhaustion and eventually anemia, so maintaining healthy levels of iron is essential.

Zinc: Zinc plays the part of an antioxidant in our bodies, which means that it fights free radical damage, supports immunity and digestion, and balances hormones (integrativenutrition). Without this mineral, we would feel sick and tired, two winter-associated terms we hear too often.

Glucosamine: Tendons, cartilage, and ligaments—all parts that depend on glucosamine, a compound which builds connective tissue and shields against joint problems— and we all know that winter + joints = pain (

Folic Acid: Last but surely not the least, folic acid works to regulate mood, which helps during a season of decreased serotonin and dopamine, two brain function-affecting neurotransmitters released by Vitamin D (integrativenutrition, Winter blues be gone!

Whether you are a consumer or a seller, everyone can benefit from awareness of immune-boosting, nourishment-concentrated vitamins and minerals. This holiday, give some thought to taking the leap you’ve been dreaming of and visit Perhaps your Christmas wish is to have a successful product line that will help countless individuals achieve health goals. Makers Nutrition is ready for your custom formula, ready to provide everything from graphic design all the way to packaging and fulfillment.

Happy Holidays, from Makers Nutrition!


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