From studying nutrition and relearning how to properly reach his goals, to mastering the dietary supplement industry, our Senior Sales Associate TJ Fabian has gained a wealth of knowledge on best practices and the range of areas dietary supplements can help improve. Let’s see what he had to say in this edition of Supplement Stories!
Q: Why do you use dietary supplements?
A: I use supplements to aid and maintain my overall health and I take different supplements for various reasons. Every morning I make sure I take a multivitamin along with flax Seed oil. I take the multivitamin to make sure I am achieving my daily dose of vitamins since I do not always maintain the healthiest and cleanest diet. These vitamins will ensure I am not missing out on any important nutrition.
I take flax seed oil as an alternative to fish oil since I am not too fond of fish, but still want to make sure I am getting omega-3’s in my diet and to aid with joint lubrication.
For my gym sessions, I always take creatine prior to my workout and supplement with post-workouts and protein once I have finished my routine. Creatine has been studied to show aid in lean muscle growth and endurance which is why I take it—to help enhance my workout and to get those extra reps in. Post-workout is to aid my muscle recovery and prevent any soreness. I also take protein to aid in building lean muscle. Protein is extremely effective after any resistance training on muscles.
I take melatonin on the nights I feel I am restless and will not be able to fall asleep. This ingredient is the greatest for sleep aid on the market. It is extremely effective and will help you stay on track with a normal sleep schedule.
Q: What made you interested in using supplements?
A: I became increasingly interested in supplements once I started college. I was never educated on supplements in high school, but as I learned more and more throughout college and from my own studies, I learned about the great ways supplements can assist in achieving a healthy lifestyle and assist with the gym gains I was looking for.
Q: Did you study nutrition in college? How has what you learned impacted your relationship with supplements?
A: I actually majored in nutrition at Long Island University. I went into this major for personal knowledge as I was fascinated by supplements and what each ingredient can do to differently affect your body. I grew up my whole life as a wrestler, always cutting weight and being malnourished and lacking the appropriate supplementation my body needed since I was on strict diets and large calorie deficits. I became especially interested when I wrestled on a collegiate level. The information I learned helped me figure out how to appropriately stay healthy even while losing weight and how to achieve optimal performance from my nutrition and proper supplementation during my competitions.
Q: Do you have any recommendations when it comes to choosing which supplements to take?
A: I recommend to everyone to take multivitamins every day as many people do not have the best diets and may be missing out on crucial vitamins and minerals. I suggest to athletes creatine, post-workouts and protein for enhanced results in all their training and performance. I also recommend omega-3’s as many of our diets do not incorporate these healthy fats.
Q: Which supplements do customers ask most about? What sells the most? Can you understand the popularity based on your own experience?
A: Many customers reach out looking to manufacture protein powder supplements. Protein can be added to many different foods, shakes, or even mixed into water with a large variety of flavoring options.
The best-selling sport supplement would be post-workout formulations as these can be flavored with Makers Nutrition’s next-to-nothing flavoring systems and taken anytime throughout the day. These are the bestselling because there are so many variations of formulas and so many flavors to choose from. Using post-workouts is as simple as adding a delicious flavor to your water with the added benefits of muscle recovery. I personally will take different post-workouts throughout the day as I love the flavoring, they are able to provide, and I know it’s a much better alternative to drinking a sugary drink or a can of soda.
TJ sure knows a lot about workout supplements. If you’d like to speak with an expert about the fitness industry and your how your business fits into it, call 631-456-5397 and he will share even more about Makers Nutrition’s capabilities. Our unbeatable supplement manufacturing services, impressive graphic designs for labeling, and practical packaging solutions give us the edge over competition you need to succeed as a brand. Don’t wait, call today or request a quote!