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The Power of Probiotics for a Stressed Immune System

Industry by Rosemary Tambini on January 13, 2021

The Power of Probiotics for a Stressed Immune System

It is widely believed that taking a daily probiotic could benefit athletes and trainers by boosting immunity and recovery following strenuous physical activity. But did you know that a daily probiotic could also help protect the body from damage done by stress?

What Are Probiotics?

They are active micro-organisms, which, when applied in sufficient quantities, can play a helpful role by improving the intestinal tract for ecological homeostasis, or balance. In simpler terms, probiotics are a type of friendly bacteria that work to maintain a healthy gut.

Probiotics and the Immune System

A healthy gut means a potentially healthy immune system. The gut processes many nutrients including vitamin K and some of the B vitamins. It turns fibers into short-chain fats that feed the gut wall and perform metabolic functions. These fats stimulate the immune system and strengthen the gut wall. Important? Yes, because this can help prevent unwanted substances from entering the body and trigger an immune response.

What Studies Show

Both animal and human studies have proven that in some cases, probiotics can increase or decrease the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters and biologically active factors such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, cortisol, and serotonin, alleviating the subjective stress level of participants. And that’s something many of us could use right now… less stress.

Why Now?

With current events on your customers’ minds more than perhaps ever, your private label probiotic manufactured by the leading supplement manufacturing service provider in the U.S. could bring some much-needed peace. Dietary supplements cannot prevent or cure a condition, but they sure can help promote healthier living and support your customers’ efforts in doing what they can to stay healthy. Request a FREE quote or call us toll free at 1-844-625-3771.


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